Saturday 24 December 2011

If God Spoke to A.A. He Might Have Said...

Into your weak and feeble hands I have entrusted the Power beyond your estimate. To you has been given that which has been denied the most learned of your fellows. Not to scientists or statesmen, not to wives or mothers, not even to my priests and ministers have I given this gift of healing other alocholics, which I entrust to you. It must be used unselfishly. It carries 
with it a grave responsibility. No day can be too long, no demands upon your time can be too urgent, no case to pitable, no task to hard, no effort to great. It must be with tolerance, for I have restricted its application to no race, no creed and no denomination. Personal cristism you must expect, 
lack of appreciation will be common, ridicule will be your lot, your motives will be misjudged. Sucess will not always attend your efforts in the work with other alcoholics. You must be prepared for adversity, for what men call adversity is the ladder you must use to ascend the rung toward spiritual perfection. I shall not exact of you beyond your capabilities.

YOU ARE NOT SLECETED BECAUSE OF exceptional talents: and be careful always, if success attends your efforts, not to ascribe to personal superiority, that to which you can lay claim on only virtue of My Gift. If I had wanted learned men to accomplish this mission, the power would be entrusted to the physician and scientist. If I had wanted eloquent men there would have been many anxious for the assignment, for talk is the easiest used of all the talents with which I have endowned mankind. If I wanted scholary men, the world is filled with better qualified than you who would have been available. you were selected because you have been available. You were selected because you have been outcasts of the world, as your long experiance as a drunkard has made, or should make you, humbly alert to the cries of distress that come from the lonely hearts of alcoholics everywhere. Keep ever in mind the admission that you made on the day of your profession of A.A.-namely, that you are powerless, and that it was only your willingless to turn your life and will into My keeping, that relief came to you. 

THINK NOT, THAT BECAUSE YOU have been dry one year or two years, or ten years, that it is the result of your unaided efforts. The help which has been keeping normal will keep you so just as long as you live this program which I have mapped out for you. Beware of the pride that comes from growth, the power of numbers and invidious comparisons between yourselves, or your 
organization with other orginizations whose sucess depends on numbers, money and position. These material things are no part of your creed. The success of material organization comes from pooling of joint assets: yours from the union of mutual liabilities. Appeal for membership in material organizations is based upon a boastful recital of their accomplishments: yours on the humble admission of weakness, the motto of successful commercial enterprise is: "he profits most who serve best". The wealth of material organizations, when they take the inventory, is measured by what they have left: yours, when you take moral inventory, by what you have given."

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Conversations with God Quotes Neale Donald Walsch


The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek, therefore, not to find out Who You Are, seek to determine Who You Want to Be.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Here are seven steps that caused you or those you love to develop self-destructive behavior


There is a subpersonality within each person that has a self-destruct theme. This is not unnatural because it can be found all over the animal kingdom. A scorpion surrounded by flames will sting itself in the back and kill itself rather than be burned to death. Human beings will do likewise in their own way if they sense that the alternative to dying at their own hands is much more painful. Humans readily choose death for political reasons, for principles, for values, or to save the lives of others. In most people, this perfectly natural self-destruct subpersonality sleeps unless extreme conditions call it forth to influence events. In people with control problems, the self-destructive personality has garnered this subpersonality for its own twisted purposes. Your challenge is to set this subpersonality free to act in a normal way and to drive out the self-destruction dragon. Here are seven steps that caused you or those you love to develop self-destructive behavior, and seven steps to conquer the problem once and for all. The Seven Steps of Development for Self-Destructive Behavior Step One: The children are abandoned. Step Two: The abandonment results in loss of structure. Step Three: Emotional and physical abuse occurs. Step Four: The children turn against themselves. Step Five: The children fear loss of control. Step Six: The children learn that gaining control is vital to survival. Step Seven: The children no longer value life. Death seems better. Seven Weapons to Slay Self-Destruction Weapon One: Realize that life is sacred and has ultimate meaning. Weapon Two: Admit you are out of control and ask for help. Weapon Three: Admit that being in control is the big issue. Weapon Four: Set your sights on realistic goals. Weapon Five: Clean up the messes in your life. Weapon Six: Admit and face your abuse of yourself and others. Weapon Seven: Admit and face the issue of abandonment.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Melody Beattie Quotes (Author of Codependent No More)


“He talks about God, and loving God. he says that when we open to loving a person, whether that person is a spouse, friend, or child, we open our hearts to loving God. He says when we let someone love us, we're opening our hearts to god's love. he says the acts are the same. p 19 I decide loving isn't for the fain. Its for the courageous. p 19” ― Melody Beattie, The Lessons of Love: Rediscovering Our Passion for Life When It All Seems Too Hard to Take

love, openness and willingness to remain vulnerable”

25 Awesome Quotes- The language of letting go

“Life begins on the other side of despair” Jean-Paul Sartre

mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness and willingness to remain vulnerable”


I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness and willingness to remain vulnerable” Anne Morrow Lindbergh

mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness and willingness to remain vulnerable”


I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness and willingness to remain vulnerable” Anne Morrow Lindbergh

mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness and willingness to remain vulnerable


I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness and willingness to remain vulnerable” Anne Morrow Lindbergh

There are times when we simply do not know what to do,


There are times when we simply do not know what to do, or where to go, next. Sometimes these periods are brief, sometimes lingering. We can get through these times. We can rely on our program and the disciplines of recovery. We can cope by using our faith, other people, and our resources. Accept uncertainty. We do not always have to know what to do or where to go next. We do not always have clear direction. Refusing to accept the inaction and limbo makes things worse. It is okay to temporarily be without direction. Say, "I don't know," and be comfortable with that. We do not have to try to force wisdom, knowledge, or clarity when there is none. While waiting for direction, we do not have to put our life on hold. Let go of anxiety and enjoy life. Relax. Do something fun. Enjoy the love and beauty in your life. Accomplish small tasks. They may have nothing to do with solving the problem, or finding direction, but this is what we can do in the interim. Clarity will come. The next step will present itself. Indecision, inactivity, and lack of direction will not last forever. Today, I will accept my circumstances even if I lack direction and insight. I will remember to do things that make myself and others feel good during those times. I will trust that clarity will come of its own accord.